Friday, December 23, 2005

Those Were the Daze......

And now ladies and gentleman I would like to introduce you to one of my oldest and best friends. This lovely pole dancing beauty is affectionately known to me and many others as Pooch. Pooch McGooch and I have been friends since grade school. I remember all those carefree days at Lord Nelson Public School with fuzzy warm glee. We parting ways in high school for roughly 3 years when we both met romantic interests and once the course of those relationships ran out we kind of drifted back right back into the swing of things.
Out of all the adventures Pooch and I shared our trip to Lollapalooza in 1992 is the one that will always stick with me.

After attending Lollapalooza at Molson Park in Barrie, Ontario, Pooch and I were sitting in her basement reviewing the great time we had at that great one day festival. Out of the blue we decided to go again. we were 19 and free of major obligations so we drove to 7-11 picked up a Spin Magazine to inquire into the remaining tour dates. The next closest stop in our one week timeframe was to be in Pittsburgh PA. I called ahead and learned that the venue had been cancelled and the tour was to be stopping in Scranton, PA.
We geared up and cleared our unbusy schedules to prepare. We were to leave early Friday morning for our second helping of Lollapalooza goodness. At the time Thursday nights were reserved for a bar in downtown London known as G.T.'s ( Good Times ). We would ritualistically go to G.T.'s every Thursday night to drink and rock out to a cover/original bands known as Grandeur of Ghosts and/or Fishpants and just be typical 19 year olds. So typically I was at G.T.'s the night before we left, naturally I proceeded to drink my face off and ended up sleeping in my little grey Chevy S-10 out front of Pooch's house. Needless to say 6 a.m. came pretty damn fast and I hardly received the necessary sleep required for the journey we were about to embark on. We hit the road for Scranton, PA , two Canadian kids following a music festival......

To be continued................

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Is It Christmas Yet ???????

I'm not really sure, but it really doesn't feel like Christmas to me this year at all. I'm not sure what it is. The new job, the constant traveling, the lack of decorations around my home, I dunno.
It just seems to me that like Matt Good was right when he said
"Christmas is for shopping, and the shopping God is everything".

I sometime wish I was still a kid and had to endure the stress of having to get to sleep for Santa Claus to come. I still remember freaking out when I would hear on the evening news that they have picked up Santa on the radar and that I better get to bed or else he might not stop. It worked like a charm on me, but the tossing and turning was unbearable. I'd finally get to sleep around 3 am only to wake at 7am for the first peak at the tree.
Those were the days.

So I will keep this short and sweet yet again. I have many chores to complete to get myself in a better position for the big day coming up so quickly this Saturday. To everyone who comes by I wish each and everyone one of you a politically correct Happy Holidays, and a Merry Christmas to everyone else who doesn't care what the proper thing to say is these days.

OK....I'll shuddup now.


Monday, December 19, 2005

Happy Merry Ho Ho Day......

I always leave everything till the last minute, I think it's just a typical male trait. Leave it as long as possible, then make a mad dash to round up all the "perfect" gifts...riiiiight. I don't know if I'm going to be able to get it all in with work and all cutting into a major part of my shopping time allotment. Between driving down here to Toronto ( I'm at work right now ) and doing little things like sleeping and eating. I think I'm going to be "that guy" running around looking at his watch every 5 mins counting down the time left till cut-off. I'll be every poor store clerks worst nightmare, I can just see them. Standing there staring at me, thier eyes rolling as I rip thru the racks, ranting to myself, not deciding on anything to buy and asking them for the 10th million time if they have anything in a gift basket. Every mans saviour...the gift thought involved whatsoever. Actually I have a certain gift to purchase this year but it's beginning to be a complete pain in the ass thanks the friendly folks at Bell Canada. I'll go into details after the holidays.

Either way....I just thought I should pop in and leave a quick note today. I do not want to fall into the Aries trap and completely neglect this site. I find it hard to believe over 300 people have even come by here. As timer goes by and I get used to my new work shift I'm sure I'll get back into the full swing of things...I need another Rant & Rave.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I'm an Addict ......

No matter what I do I can't stop playing this game. I picked it up by accident and started to play around with it and now I cannot stop formulating strategies and planning my eventual overthrowing of the Roman Empire. I'm hopeless.
You can control over 700 troops on an open field and command them all effortlessly for some amazing battles. It's helplessly addicting once you get the hang of it and you look forward to storming your enemy's capital city and exterminating all of them.
If you are into turn based strategy games I would highly recommend this game. You'll be hooked like me and the hours just fly by. There's so many sites I've been neglecting because of this game these days. I'm normally on the ball and up to par on commenting on all the recent happenings but everything is taking a backseat until I can take control of the Roman Senate for myself. I'll keep you updated.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ro-Sham-Bo anyone .....

Greetings fellow blog readers. Quick and simple this will be today. I'm a tad under the weather and have to crawl back into my bed for some much needed bedrest. It's been a long week but a good week as well.

It has come to attention that CBC has decided to re-air a few (5) episodes of Kenny vs Spenny. They will be airing on Friday evenings at 5:30 pm. Again I advise you to check it out.
I've added the Kenny vs Spenny game to the site here, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and take a few turns. My high score is 10,392, try and beat that !!! I favor playing as Kenny but I managed the score by playing as Spenny.
Small things amuse small minds, but someone getting kicked in the nuts is always funny.

I've also added a chat window to the sidebar so feel free to leave any comments or messages there if you like. Alright then I've got to get back to come back often and see what else is new as time goes by.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

And Now....On With Mr.Show....

An now for some comments on one of my all time favorite shows...Mr.Show.
This short lived skit comedy masterpiece aired originally on HBO and then on The Comedy Network up here in Canada, between 1996 and 2000. I immediately fell in love with this show the first time I came across an episode that included a satirical American Ad Awards show, the big winner of the top prize was an ad agency that helped an association better it's image with a great commercial. The association was called NAMBLA...the North American Man Boy Love Association, the new slogan .... "We're Not Killers". The commercial itself had various perverts running around a park with big black boxes over their faces confessing their love of young man boys and how society just doesn't "get" their obsession. It was an edgy, intelligent and nonsensical show to say the least. Within the same episode they also had a hilarious remake of Jesus Christ Superstar that starred Jack Black in the heavenly lead role.
Perhaps my sense of humor is warped and I have no idea what I am talking about but Mr. Show was way ahead of it's time and far too smart for it's own good. I try to introduce Mr. Show to anyone who will take the time to watch but honestly in all my time I have only met maybe 2 people that understood the satire and appreciated it. I own all 4 seasons and urge any and everyone to either rent a season or download an episode for a test run.
You might recognize David Cross from Arrested Development, another freakin hilarious show, or even as the guy in the wheelchair in Scary Movie 2. He is a fantastic comic.
Bob Odenkirk has had stints on SNL and was also on the ultra 80's Ben Stiller Show. He is another comical genius. I'll elaborate another time on both of these fine gentlemen, but for now....

OK....I'll shuddup now.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Make Way for the HD-DJ......

During my ritualistic wake up routine I came across a web article about how Djing is becoming obsolete, in particular, old school vinyl disc jockeying. With the all the various technological steps being accomplished today one person can create an entire symphony all with the twists and turns of a few virtual knobs. The old crates of vinyl we would carrying lovingly from party to party are being replaced by blue ray DVDs and Hard Drives, hence the new name....HD-DJ. The variance between DJ's is hard to distinguish to the untrained ear, but vinyl is distinctive and will never die because of it's raw sound. That snap crackle and pop is one of the sweetest sounds ever in my opinion. The bass achieved on a well produced vinyl track can be dupilcated to digital but it looses an element and gets watered down when converted. With the new technology also comes ease in application, the skill required to beat mix is being removed and lost. With these digital tracks most new software applications have a built in timers where all you need to do is line up the numbers. OK...this track is 110 beats per minute...this track is 120 bpm's....I'll just cue the track, adjust the track speed and cross fade. No brain required, especially if the software does that for you even. The art of beat matching and creating that seamless track change by auditory cues via headphones and a quick wrist are slowly going the way of the"Where's the Beef" lady....known but not remembered.

So the mainstream medium has now conjuered up another label for us to use around the watercooler. I don't see it ever sticking and no self-respecting DJ would ever pigeon hole themselves with such a tag, but the days of the HD-DJ are definately here. Next time you are at a club, try and take a peek inside the booth to see what your guru is using to make your booty shake. 9 times outta 10 I think you'll find they are running the same software you use on your own PC. They jump around, without any skips, wearing headphones and turning imaginary knobs all night because they are playing a role....BEWARE THE SUCKER DJ's...... LONG LIVE VINYL !!!!!

OK....I'll shuddup now.


Sunday, November 27, 2005

Damn Them All .......

I HATE BANKS !!!!! What a joke they are, sittin up there on their high horses lookin down on the peons laughing, drinking and lighting over priced cigars with $20 bills. I'm not pleased at all. Let me elaborate.

I drive a piece of junk, it's basically being held together by the paint. It gets me to point B, but it's not 100% reliable. A prime example would be the damn exhaust snapping at the cat converter and sounding like a tank coming down Highway 400. I decided to apply for a loan for 2 things. A consolidation of my OSAP, or student loans, and the the funds required for a newer car. Now, I have a crystal clean credit record, I mean, how else would I be able to get a job with a major credit card company if I didn't. Within 24 hrs I was denied....flat out refused. The reason.....I don't have a credit record, well enough of a record to establish an actual score anyway. The fact that I've been paying my student loans month in and month out without fail or any NSF on a salary just barely above the poverty line apparently makes no difference at all. I basically got told to come back in 6 months and have $2000 in the bank, then they might consider me.

It just pisses me off to no end. Here I am paying these tools just under $144 a year for the privilege of having a lame penalty charging chequing account at their bank and the second I ask for help I'm spun around and told I'm not worthy. I even asked for overdraft protection and was denied. After 10 years with the same bank I might as well be a 5th grader opening my first bank account, at least I'd get a lollipop. I want my damn $1440 back.

Oh well, maybe I'll just switch banks, or maybe I'll just hoard everything under my mattress and make a cool suit like MoneyMan there.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Friday, November 25, 2005

Snow Daze .....

Well, it's definately been an interesting week so far. Quick recap...I started my new job....I got horribly sick and had to go to the hospital on my first day of my new job.....the exhaust on my car broke enroute to my first day of my new job.....after having fairly mild temperatures for the last few weeks, the weather has snapped and we now have snow...lots of it. I know that's a horrible run on sentence but I find it alot like this week so far, neverending, but hey...adversity builds character. So what if it takes me 2.5 hrs to get home because of road conditions, at least I have a home to come to, right.
I have lots of information to relay but little time to elaborate so I will indeed keep this short and sweet.

On another quick note, I had another visit from the honourable Mr. Kenny Hotz. He was kind enough to relieve my worries over his "tad kooler" comment I had mentioned he left me previously. If you happen to have some free time on Sunday night, I would advise you to tune in and support this fine gentleman and his show Kenny vs Spenny. Check out the links I've provided and surf to for your local schedule.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Friday, November 18, 2005

On to the Next Chapter....

Well it's official...I'm no longer a cell phone monkey!! No more brain dead customers calling in wondering what "System Busy - Please Try Again" means....hmmmm, I dunno, maybe the damn system is busy cuz tools like you keeping calling me for redundant idiotic information.

Talk about liberating, it felt so good to get escorted out and stripped of my nifty little badge. The air was never so sweet outside, even the snowfall could dampen that misty water colored memory I'll carry with me. 19 months of my life I'll never get back. I sat in calculated some nice stats during my down time at the end of the night. In the last 11 months, (I could only track this current year), I had taken 14,568 calls....I worked a total of 215 extra hours over and above the regular 44 needed to receive O/T, that's nearly 27 days of regular 8 hr shifts !!!
So , I've basically put in nearly 12 months of work in the past 11 months of this year. I'm so glad to be outta that place, the sandbox politics were just too much for me. Drama, rumor milling, and enough cellulite engorged ass cleavage to sink the Titanic. At is all over.

So, the comment Kenny Hotz left me has been bothering me slightly. The whole "a tad kooler" remark has been eating away at me. Only a tad? Just a tad cooler than someone who basically said the show sucked. I mean I use the the same term sometimes and I do realize that sarcasm doesn't always come across in most written forms, but come on. Ahh whatever, I'm still happy he was nice enough to come by anyway. I still think the show is great and I definitely hope Showcase keeps it on on Sunday nights. I should have researched the the show abit more before I started commenting....perhaps that is why I'm only a tad cooler.....but apparently the show was on CBC for a short period of time, 2 seasons, and hopefully a third season will be ordered on the better serving Showcase network. I can see CBC not really "getting" the show and pulling the plug before it can grow and develop. The last episode, Who Can Dance The Longest, was pretty good, the cheerleader bit/humiliation was pretty damn funny. Poor poor Spenny, will he ever learn? I'll be sure to check out once he's got it up and running, so far it's still under construction.

Anyway, I'm gonna head out for a few wobbly pops and enjoy my free Friday night.
I'm sure I'll be back to ramble on some more later tonight.

OK.....I'll shuddup now.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

And Now....On With The Show....

My GOD !!!!! That was a nightmare trying to get that damn virus out. I thought I'd never get back up and running. I contemplated just quitting all together and giving up my over priced internet connection completely.
Without going into boring geek speak details I basically had a nasty IRC Trojan file that more or less set itself up on the harddisk, I spent hours in safe mode working in the CMD mode to delete it all manually.
The biggest problem was the re-installation of the damn Windows SP2 and reconfiguring, I'm tempted to go Mac now, what a joke.

So....alot has happened over the last four days.
I had my phone interview...aced it. Had a face to face interview today and had an un-official offer of employment. I have a few background checks pending but the fact that the interviewer jumped ahead of himself and had me sign an offer is a fairly good indication that I will be in training next week. The total pay increase is over $13K, how could anyone turn that down. The damn call centre itself was like a palace, it's own little microcosm. Basketball courts, tennis courts, atrium, huge cafeteria with catered meals. I was completely blown away. They even had a fully equipped gym with on-site personal trainers not to mention a full spa and massage area....I can see myself being very happy in this position.
Things are coming together very well these days, I'm planning on quitting that craphole I'm in as soon as I get the good word. What a waste of 19 months, I can just imagine how long it will take now for me to get my remaining vacation pay and employee stock re-embursements back. Stay tuned, I still have lots of rants left for that place.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Saturday, November 12, 2005

Point Proven

And just like that after posting my previous remarks I inturn had a visit from Mr. Kenny Hotz. He was kind enough to leave me a comment as well. Just click the comment tab under my last post to view his kind remarks.

So now I have a damn virus in my computer because of my own neglegence and dumbassedness. Should be fun trying to work out this damn bug, it send a msg to everyone on my damn MSN list asking them "Is this your profile on". Wish me luck fixing this one.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Kenny vs Spenny

Well, I couldn't seem to sleep so I started reviewing some of the tracker data I've compiled for the site. It's kind of interesting because you can track so many different things such as location, entry pages, visit length etc. The details available to view are quite amazing. One method is via referrals which basically lists where the visitor linked to your particular site.
So, while reviewing these stats I happened to click on a referral link from where someone linked to my site by using the key words Kenny vs Spenny. On thatl page was also a referral listing that brought me to a little corner of the internet. A fairly young Winnipeg womans personal msn spaces site.
Apparently in one of her posts she made referrence to Kenny vs Spenny. She also however wrote about her dislike of Kenny Hotz, one of the executive producers and stars of the show. As fate seems, Kenny found his way to this particular site as well and he in turn left a comment.
It just goes to show that you never know who could possibly read your written words, you just got to love the internet. There truly is no limits to the possibilities out here.
Check it out the link to the post below.!1pDMVRKFshe26MktASshAG0g!282.entry

DAY 7....

Wow, this whole blogging thing is almost becoming an addiction. I just can't stop tinkering with this site. I'm really learning alot about HTML and how to manipulate this area to my liking. It really is pretty damn easy once you get the hang of it. I've always been a hands on kinda guy and I learn by making mistakes as I go along.

It seems someone likes what I am doing because I have been drafted to help develop another site. Check out Boo and Veilla's site over on the side there. It's still in the early stages before I get some more content for them to post, but for now I'm just messing with the existing template to better suit what they want out of it. They are some HOT chicks indeed, especially Boo, wink wink, nudge nudge.

The time just flys by when I get on here. I come home, sit down here and BANG...3 hrs are gone. At least it's the weekend, no work for at least 63 hrs, doesn't sound as good as 2 days, but it still goes by fast. I'll keep it short and sweet tonight, save some ranting and raving for tommorrow night.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Friday, November 11, 2005

Lest We Forget....

With it now officially being Remeberance Day or Veterans Day for our U.S. friends, I would like to take some time to remember in my own way. Now, I was not yet born during or at the end of the WW II, but I can still give thanks for the sacrifices that many made to secure our current freedoms most of us take for granted.

My late grandfather Archibald Monk fought in the war and is sadly missed by myself and the rest of my family. Thankfully he was lucky enough to make it through his tours of duty but many did not. So on this 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour I will think of him and his fallen brothers at arms and honour them as they should be remembered for what they gave in order for us to have.

This question arises though. Will we still remember once all the old veterans are gone? As time goes by the whole generation that was present for the days of the major world wars are thinning with each passing year. Eventually there is going to be a news story one day of how the last surviving member of our aging WW II veterans has passed and where will that leave us? How will that make people feel, how will it effect you? I know most people honestly don't care and try and avoid the "old man in the uniform" at the Wal-Mart entrance who's taking donations for a Poppy at all costs. It is truly sad to say the least, almost infuriating come to think of it. I mean sure, we all have our own personal problems and issues to deal with but what if Hitler's regime had managed to somehow prevail and conquer the entire continent. Would we all still be sitting here on our personal computers, leisurely drinking coffee, wondering if we should rent or buy that current DVD as we jump into our hulking SUV to drive to the store which is only 4 blocks away. I somehow don't think so, I think our world would have been a very different place. We all, as a society, take a lot for granted.

All in all, I will always take the time to remember and will most definitely pass down the knowledge to my children if I am ever to have some.
I will remember.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

DAY 5 ......

Another day, another blog entry. I'm just cruising right along on here. Lots of useless information about nothing in particular. A dime a dozen for sure out here in cyberspace, but at least this little niche is all mine. I have been reading other blogs and what I've found is alot of teenage girls ranting about ex-boyfriends and what some bitch said about them an lunch the other day. Maybe it was just the way the blogs were lined up today but I found many of them hard to read and uninteresting mostly because the authors were using people's names and places that the reader doesn't know. I would think that a personal written diary would be a better suited place for such information but what do I know.
The great thing about the web is there is no limits so I suppose if one really wanted to freak out about how Bob didn't call last night and instead went to the coffee shop with Bertha to talk about the amount of cellulite on the authors ass, it's all good.

Well, I have some calls to make so I'll keep this short and sweet. I won't ramble on and on, I'll probably do lots of publishing this weekend though.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


DAY 4 ......Unwinding

Talk about about exhaustion, today was long to say the least. There was no end to the call ques tonight, non-stop bitching straight through till midnight at least. I'll be so glad when I close this other deal and move along out of that place.

I still have more calls to make and my credit history to review tomorrow in preparation. I really need this change of scenery. I've been reading many web reports from sites like and that it is better for your health, mentally and physically, to get out of an unhappy work environment as fast as possible. I completely understand. The bitterment and resentment gets to be too much after awhile affecting everything around you.

The commute for this job may be a bit of an drawback in the early stages here, but if things go right I might just head down to Toronto. I was raised a country boy but I prefer the bright lights and the big city. I've become a seasoned pro at moving. The place I'm currently in was the 4th and final move I made this year. It was getting old quick, I was starting to feel like a vagabond without any roots for a bit there. I lived with a girlfriend, a family and 2 femal room-mates before ending up in bachelors paradise here. It's not much but it's mine and it's all inclusive.

Well, I do have a flick to watch. If it's worthy I may post a review. So......

OK....I'll shuddup now.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

DAY 4 ......

Well it's been a long night indeed. Between push button publishing starting an email campaign supporting WWW.TOMGREEN.COM and eating a very nice Korean Pear, I have had maybe 2 hrs sleep.

It's all good though, I'm not feeling tired at all really, for now.
I'm sure around 1am tonight I'll be regretting this, but then again I don't have to be anywhere till 4pm. Lots of time to sleep still.

I left the radio on when I went to bed originally and just so happened to wake up and catch Tom on the Edge 102.1 FM. There's some pretty tight tracks on his new album. People In My Neighborhood is the song that is stuck in my head at the moment. There's some good disses on there, I can just imagine how surreal it would be to live down there in Hollyweird.

This whole blogging thing is beginning to take up a lot of time for me, which is good. It's much better than wasting away on the couch watching brain-numbing television or living a virtual life in a Grand Theft Auto video game. San Andreas is an amazing game by the way. It's also helping me develop my writing skills and hone the art of maintaining a readers least I like to think so anyway. I'm trying my best to jazz up this scene with pics etc, but this is a work in progress. Who really knows where this will go.

It's funny actually because I have always thought of myself as a writer, however when it came down to it writer's block would set in when I would actually sit down to write something for myself. I would stare at that blank sheet with so many thoughts and ideas ready to bust forth onto the page, but I 'd write a few lines and lose the whole train of thought of what I was trying to get across. As time goes by I hope you stop in from time to time to see how my style changes as I'm sure it will.

So lets about a quick stripclub DJ story, everyone likes these.

One day at work I had a girl come in and ask for work. Now 9 times outta 10 a girl will come to the DJ to ask if she can work since we are the ones that actually put the girls onstage. In each region there are certain procedures a dancer must go thru to work. I sent her back downstairs to talk to the owner but I knew she was going to be our fresh new meat. I got all of her information and filled out all the appropriate forms required to work and penciled her onto the schedule as Toni. So Toni had never danced before and had just finished completing an amateur porn shoot in the L.A.. She felt she had had enough of her nursing career and was ready to make some real money. With her being so green I had to more or less give her a crash course in the art of striptease. I gave her a few pointers and sent her off to the change room to prepare for her big debut. Well, it was a Friday night and fairly busy, so it was perfect for her to get used to the stage. I picked out 3 simple short songs and introduced her, egging the slim crowd to give her a warm welcome. Within 2 mins of her first song this girl was completely naked prancing around the stage like an awkward grade 9 student on her first day of high school. There was still 2 songs to go, it was excruciating. After a girl is completely nude there's not much left to the imagination which therefore nullifies the whole idea of a stripTEASE. As soon as she was done I threw on some break songs and booked it down to the change room to let her know she how great did. I had to make sure that her first time wouldn't be her last time because the new club I was in was VERY short on girls, let alone an attractive one at that. I gently broke the news that she doesn't need to be naked until her last song but it was a definite treat for the old boys in perverts row. Over time she became a seasoned pro and made a killing off of the men that came to our little club, but that was up until she developed the dreaded Columbian Cold. She fell into the cocaine scene, but that ..... is a whole different story.

OK...I'll shuddup now.



Yes, indeed, I think it' s time to rant and rave some more.
Where shall I start today.
We'll start with the current job. I know, I we go again.

So what shall I bitch about today......The AVP scale. My current job as you may know is with an un-named cell phone company. We are paid a base wage to start and after your first 90 days you are given a measly $0.50 raise based on your metrics. Metrics are statistics that all call centres live and breathe on. They are a calculation of several variables that include things like your Average Handle Time (AHT), your After Call Work (ACW), your Average Hold Time (AHS) and your Quality Evaluations. So when you call into any call centre you undoubtedly hear a recorded message that lets you know your call may be recorded for quality purposes. It's a requirement by law U.S and Canadian.
So anyway AVP or Agent Variable Pay is what has replaced our regular YEARLY pay increases, yes I said yearly. So, when I first started in this hole there was only one opportunity for a raise and that fell during each last quarter, roughly around September. They used to have a program that ran all your metrics. It also took into consideration your Late Entries and Reliability, or how many times you didn't come into work. The downfall was it was all computer generated, so if you missed a day and it wasn't logged as a sick day or there was an issue with and you ended up with a dreaded No Call No Show (NCNS) you could almost guarantee yourself and nice lame $0.01 or hefty $0.04 raise. Computer are cold and do not allow room for human error. The system was a joke and did not work.
Along comes AVP, the latest brainchild to put an end to any raises. AVP is a month tracker that is constantly manipulated to better serve the corporation. Since it's inception in March of this year the changes applied have been hard to keep up with. What it does is calculate certain statistics and apply a percentage payout at the end of each month. The first version had 4 categories and levels attached. AHT was calculated, Transfer %, Quality Scores and Upselling Units. Depending on how your worked all month "the possibilities were endless" as the Operations Manager put it too us in his little presentation. To achieve a maximum payout a rep would have to achieve and AHT of under 5:30 mins, have a Transfer rate under 13%, have a Quality average above 95% and sell over 60 units per month.
These stats are nearly impossible to achieve, especially in our call environment, it was a complete joke. Within the first month of AVP only 17 reps achieved AVP requirements, now that's 17 out of 740 employees. Isn't that amazing .... a whopping 2% of the site achieved a bonus. The second month was marginally better increasing to 4%. And out of those bonuses the average payout was a spectacular $43.67. Fan-freakin-tabulous !!!!!
I was emailing the head office on a regular basis letting them know how pathetic their grand scheme was. They never cared, the responses I got back were more or less computer generated.
Since the early days they have changed the scales slightly however it is still nearly impossible to achieve a maximum payout of over $200. I'm sure whoever dreamed up AVP is laughin his ass off on the golf course. He'll laugh all the way to the bank as well when other call centres adopt his program into their sites. So the next time you call into any type of call centre you'll understand why they want you off the phone ASAP but not before you add some unnecessary buy-up. "Yeah...sure I'd love to another $10 charge to my $1,489 past due bill"

OK, so after the bitter we must add something sweet so lets rave abit.
Television is a good topic, even though I don't really see much of it these days with my current work schedule. I miss all the primetime drivel that is popular these days so I am stuck with late night TV.
One of my current favorite shows is a new show on Showcase called Kenny vs. Spenny. It's a funny little half hour show on Sunday nights about 2 childhood friends/room-mates in Toronto that engage in crazy contests with a humiliation awaiting the loser of each weeks contest.
So far the first three episodes have been pretty damn funny with the first being the drinking contest. Both Kenny and Spenny purchased 3 cases of beer and proceeded to drink until one of them threw up. Yes, I know, it's intelligent humor but the funny thing was Kenny substituted near beer for the real stuff so he could drink non-stop without effect meanwhile Spenny got completely destroyed and ended up drinking 36 beers over a 2 day span. Ultimately Spenny ended up on the floor in a puddle of his own vomit but the antics leading up to the loss were the funniest part. It's Canadian humor at it's finest for sure.
The other 3 episodes have included Who Can Stay Naked the Longest, Who Has The Biggest Balls and Who Do Old People Like More. It really is a funny show because the rivalry between these two is so strong. So far Kenny has come out ahead because he always works some kind of angle to win. If you have the time and you're bored on a Sunday night I would suggest tuning in to witness this battle for supremacy and bragging rights. Like many Showcase original programs it may not be around for long. Here's a link for ya.

OK, so with that I shall move along onto other pursuits. I still have some things to take care of for my upcoming new job opportunity. Thanks for stopping by.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

DAY 3......The Sequel

Ahhh yes, it's nice to actually get some traffic. Ya just gotta love networking.

Things are moving along really nicely today. On the phone all morning contacting debtors and setting appointments for this new job opportunity. It looks like I'll be out of the cell phone business sooner than expected. Training for this new position starts as soon as Nov. 21st, 16 weeks of training is required !!!

As you may have noticed so far I have a thing for Muppets and placing them in compromising positions. I know Jim Henson wouldn't be impressed but it's damn funny. Evil Bert is hilarious and one of my favorites by far, you'll see a lot of him on here I'm sure.

Well I gotta book but I'm sure I'll be back later tonight after work for some more ranting & raving.

OK....I'll shuddup now.


DAY 3......

Well, things are looking up so far. While going thru my motions of getting ready for work I got a call from one of the many companies I applied to over the weekend. I guess it pays to just send out resumes randomly and constantly, it's like fishing, soon enough something's gonna bite. Now I won't go into details about which company it is, however I will relay that it is a fine upstanding financial institute. At least I have some options now.
Now with this new opportunity comes new decisions. For one, the job is over 120 kms away...that's nearly 80 right there a lot of people would say forget it. The second point is this position pays a over $10k more than my current position in deadendville.
I have paid sick days, benefits options, RRSP matching, and a commission available ontop of a full salary. Pretty damn sweet compared the the current hole I'm in. I've been crunching numbers all night at work and even with the ridiculous costs of gas these days I would still be pulling in over $400 more than what I make after all monthly bills are paid. Yes....I'm convincing myself as I type this. I'm gonna take the plunge and contact the kind gentleman that called me today for confirmation. I can't wait to quit my current hellhole job. My last day will indeed be interesting and worthy of blog reporting for sure.

With that said and done......lets review some of my old positions.


I spent nearly 3 full years in the industry after realizing that I did not want to be the dirty old DJ in a dingy club, stuck saying the same cheesy lines over and over night in and night out.
I admit it was fun in the beginning, I remember my first night clear as a bell. I completely bullshitted my way into the position and only got in out of convenience for the owner. The DJ he had working had to be in Toronto for a certain time for a high paying rave gig. He basically turned to me and said, "So...You gonna work or what?". I didn't have all my CD's or Headphones with me at the time so he gave me 15 mins to run back to my college dorm and get ready for my first night as a stripclub DJ. I was scared shitless, I had no idea what the hell I was gonna do up there let alone what the hell I was gonna say on the Mic for the rest of the night. I literally tried to sum up all my past stripclub experiences in the short drive back and forth from college to club. What exactly did all those guys say and talk about on the mic all night long. It was fairly late in the night, 9 pm, and I only had to make it thru till 2:30 am the latest so I strapped on my headphones, slipped in a segue track to take over and slip into cheesy DJ voice mode.
I only had a few girls to work with that first night since the club was so new. The owner still had the damn factory plastic on the clubs chairs. The smell of fresh paint and pine still hung in the air from the renovations done. I jumped right into character and played it up for the 6 - 7 customers in the club, very sad indeed for a Saturday night.
Honey was the first girl I ever put on stage was your typical local yokel house girl bitchface, cross eyed and coked up, she barked at me that she wanted her lights slow and low. I had to operate all the stage lighting manually because the owner never took the time to program his $25k light system. Not only that but the half ass electrician he hired, undoubtedly under the table, failed to wire the place correctly. Everytime I pushed the smoke machine in any combo with the stage lights a breaker would pop.
This breaker also ran the lights for a half of the club so as soon as it popped it was complete darkness on one side. What a treat to half to drop everything I was doing and run thru the VIP area to reset the breaker, then run back and say a speil. Well while I was working out all the bugs in the system all during Honey's first song...a whole 4:10 mins...she proceeded to walk off stage and wander back to my booth. Here I am freakin out in this little booth trying to organize complete chaos when I hear, "Hey GUY....Rule # 1....Don't take your eyes off the girl on stage". Standing behind me was Honey lookin at me with her dumbass crossed eyes smokin a cigarette like some hotshit princess prom queen. "My lights are all wrong....I'm not dancing" she said to me blandly. "Since your new I'll go easy on you, but don't fuck with me, OK". "Fine...Just get back on stage gorgeous" I retorted. I learned alot of lessons that first night and many more as time went by.....perhaps I'll elaborate on a few another time.
Check out the link for StripCity on the side there...MC MIC has already posted a lot of like experiences for your viewing pleasure.

I need to get a few things together to prepare for my new job venture.....who knows, maybe oneday I'll end up back on the stripclub circuit part-time. least now you understand where I get the name DJ~MYK~B from.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Monday, November 07, 2005

Day 2 ......

As you can see behind me it is kind of a nice day. It's a welcome change after having it grey and rainy all weekend. I'm not looking forward to going into work at 4:30 pm but what's a poor boy to do. The bills aren't gonna pay themselves now.

I really need to pick up a good decent camera, the webcam I have from Logitech is alright but it is designed for online chatting and headshots, nothing really to fancy. I actually picked this one up in particular because it has a built in microphone which I had thought would help me with my little voice-over website I have yet to get any work out of it and have wasted over $250 for membership fees etc. The mic on the webcam just doesn't cut it in recording terms so I basically signed up for a service that sends me leads that I cannot apply too because of my inferior equipment. Sure I know guys that have studios for recording professionally but why spend $100 to make a track that only pays $50.

Well I should be going....gotta get ready for work.

OK...I'll shuddup now.



Alright then now that I have gotten this ball rolling I now need to step back and view this crazy creation.....And maybe go to bed. Naw....sleep schmeep, who needs it.
Might as well whittle away what's left of these wee morning hours to rant and rave about nothing in particular.

Something to rant about.......I hate my job. Who doesn't really but I honestly HATE mine, with all full emphasis on hate. I work in a thankless one way dead end job that consists of taking never ending calls from unhappy cellphone customers. The company's name isn't really important since almost all cell phones suck, but the tedious nature of the job is what really kills my spirit. I have had many jobs in my time, however I never hated any one of them as much as I hate this current one. The really sad thing is I've been with this company for nearly 2 years now. In these past 2 years I have had a total wage increase of $0.62. How is that for pathetic.
Why do I stay then, you ask. Well necessity for one, I have unpaid students loans and rent and car insurance etc etc etc. Number two, I'm in an area where options are limited for someone with my work experience and skills. Number three, I have a criminal record that is holding me back from more lucrative opportunities.
Now the criminal record I am stuck with I admittingly brought upon myself, however just because I got caught driving from a bar to a hospital after getting my head bashed in my a steroid monkey meat puppet bouncer and then blew .09 when the legal limit is .08, should not mean I cannot make a decent wage and perhaps be able to eat after all bills are covered. Yes I did take the case to court and yes I did get acquitted of Impaired Driving, however when you are charged with such an offence you are indeed charged with 2 offences....1) Impaired Driving and 2) Operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level higher than 0.08.
Now my nice sweet old $120K/yr salaried judge decided that yes I was right to jump in my car and attempt to help myself by driving to the hospital while pints of blood where squirting out of my face at 1 a.m. on a Sunday night, however I technically was legally drunk and perhaps if the bouncer hadn't managed to get me completely covered in alcohol while using my body as a bulldozer blade thru the crowded bar, I probably would have been escorted to the hospital instead of hand cuffed and tossed into a paddy wagon head first. I was fined and suspended and life has been tough ever since. I cannot land a respectable decent paying job to save me.
My pardon is already in the works but the redtape involved takes a good 18 to 24 months to be completed.....hence the reason I am stuck in my completely crap-tacular job. I will probably post a lot about this place of employment as time goes by.

OK then...something to rave about.....Tom Green. I love his website ......he is by far one of the most genuine and honest celebrities out there. He is part of the reason I am starting this blog today. I have been posting on his site regularly...well actually, I just email him and he posts nearly every email I send him, but he has given me the motivation to actually start writing out and publishing out here on the vast internet highway. If you know nothing of this man I would suggest you pick up his book Hollywood Causes Cancer. It is an almost formulaic story of the rise and decline of a small town boy who is plucked from the Great White North and thrown into the youth culture marketing machine by the mass media hype station MTV. It's a good quick read and is written from the heart...and nut for that matter. Anyway.....this website is a true work of internet art in progress because of the amount of time he spends on the site. Where most celebrities use the internet as a shameless self promotional tool and marketing machine for their latest Hollywood blockbuster, Tom uses the site to vent and expose with feelings with everything from his cancer to his love of Rex Murphy, his new parrot.

Well that does it for today I is nearly 4 am.

OK....I'll shuddup now......
