Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I'm an Addict ......

No matter what I do I can't stop playing this game. I picked it up by accident and started to play around with it and now I cannot stop formulating strategies and planning my eventual overthrowing of the Roman Empire. I'm hopeless.
You can control over 700 troops on an open field and command them all effortlessly for some amazing battles. It's helplessly addicting once you get the hang of it and you look forward to storming your enemy's capital city and exterminating all of them.
If you are into turn based strategy games I would highly recommend this game. You'll be hooked like me and the hours just fly by. There's so many sites I've been neglecting because of this game these days. I'm normally on the ball and up to par on commenting on all the recent happenings but everything is taking a backseat until I can take control of the Roman Senate for myself. I'll keep you updated.

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