Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wake Me Up When February Ends......

Well, here I am again, sitting on the cusp of yet another snowstorm. It's kind of ironic that these damn storms always hit when I have to begin my 120 km trip to work the next day, what fun. It's not bad enough that I have to start my work week on a Saturday changing one of the best days of the week into the worst but I now have to leave even earlier. Oh builds character.
I went and looked at some new cars today. I'm aiming for a sleek 2002 Honda Civic Si. I just have to land the financing now but the fact that I've started a new job 5 months ago is becoming a hindrance. Apparently changing jobs for a $13K pay increase is a bad thing. I seems I would be better off in a dead end, under-appreciated, underpaid job for 2+ years and barely make the payments rather than a job that satisfies their insane finance rates. I'll never understand banks. If I didn't have to have direct deposit to get paid I'd never deal with them at all. Keep it all under the mattress and never pay another horseshit transaction fee again. I dunno, I'll have word by Monday or Tuesday. the rest of the world gets ready to go out and party all night I must go to bed and prepare for the mother of all snowstorms and the journey ahead. What will happen earthquake......imagine that, I just learned there was an earthquake just outside of Ottawa tonight. I better quit while I'm ahead.
OK....I'll shuddup now.

Monday, February 20, 2006

And Now....Some More A Night With Tom Green Pics

Hello all, I was lucky enough to come home early tonight from work so I thought I'd actually publish abit more useless information and pictures while I have the free time. I was thinking of rambling on about the Muslim Cartoons, but I don't see a need to get political on here. I was also thinking of rambling about Team Canada not scoring a single goal in 2 games, but I don't feel a need to panic and have faith in Pat and Joe and all the rest of the boys, instead I thought I'd just post some more pictures from my little roadtrip to see Tom Green last month. I also hope to get some cool Nine Inch Nails pics when that concert comes along but for now....enjoy. My better half Stephanie ( a.k.a. Boo ) will probably whip my ass for posting pics of her but oh well. Look for us on the DVD when it comes out.

OK....I'll shuddup now. Cheers.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Winter That Lasted Forever ..............

What fun, what fun. Will this weather ever end? It seems not. I don't know how much longer my poor little Cavalier will last. I awoke to a nicely chilled car this morning before work. It was so cold last night that my radiator had ice in it, even after adding some concentrated anti-freeze !!!!
I just have that kind of luck....some Barr's Leaks and another 3 litres of concentrated anti-freeze has corrected my temporary set back but my car is letting me know that this will be it's last winter.
I would have to find a fairly decent job over 120 kms away now wouldn't I.
OK, well, my head is pounding and I need to eat so I will quit my whining right now.
If anyone has a line on a decent car, please feel free to contact me before I need to hustle my way to Toronto at the truck stop every day.
OK....I'll shuddup now.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's Been Awhile ........

Hello again....I know it's been awhile and like I said when I began this whole blog I tend to procrastinate and begin things without finishing them. It's an Aries thing. Realistically though there's no point in recording monotonous ramblings about how bad my drive home was every day now.
Life has been fairly boring to be honest. I've finished my training in my new job and I'm now remembering how the whole "get-up, go to work, come home, go to bed" routine was. Nothing really fantastic and note worthy about that.
I do have some fun things coming in the near future. I will be returning to my hometown to see Trent Reznor and his amazing Nine Inch Nails. It should be a good show. I'm surprised the show isn't sold out yet, I thought the tickets would be gone overnight and made a point of staying up all night to purchase the tickets online. I hope to attend Lollapalooza in Chicago this August as well but that's months away. I also have to finish my original Lollapalooza story I had begun before radio job contest came along, but all good things come in time.
I've dumped the music videos from the site because the commercials they force are far too annoying for me and I apologize for making anyone have to listen or see them. If I wanted to advertise and make money off of this little blog I'd be pushing porn since it is the most lucrative of internet money makers, not cheesy death metal bands or Harrison Fords new movie.
I hope to stay ontop of things and add more comments and reviews in the near future but for now I will cut this always.....OK...I'll shuddup now. Cheers.