Saturday, November 12, 2005

DAY 7....

Wow, this whole blogging thing is almost becoming an addiction. I just can't stop tinkering with this site. I'm really learning alot about HTML and how to manipulate this area to my liking. It really is pretty damn easy once you get the hang of it. I've always been a hands on kinda guy and I learn by making mistakes as I go along.

It seems someone likes what I am doing because I have been drafted to help develop another site. Check out Boo and Veilla's site over on the side there. It's still in the early stages before I get some more content for them to post, but for now I'm just messing with the existing template to better suit what they want out of it. They are some HOT chicks indeed, especially Boo, wink wink, nudge nudge.

The time just flys by when I get on here. I come home, sit down here and BANG...3 hrs are gone. At least it's the weekend, no work for at least 63 hrs, doesn't sound as good as 2 days, but it still goes by fast. I'll keep it short and sweet tonight, save some ranting and raving for tommorrow night.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


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