Friday, December 23, 2005

Those Were the Daze......

And now ladies and gentleman I would like to introduce you to one of my oldest and best friends. This lovely pole dancing beauty is affectionately known to me and many others as Pooch. Pooch McGooch and I have been friends since grade school. I remember all those carefree days at Lord Nelson Public School with fuzzy warm glee. We parting ways in high school for roughly 3 years when we both met romantic interests and once the course of those relationships ran out we kind of drifted back right back into the swing of things.
Out of all the adventures Pooch and I shared our trip to Lollapalooza in 1992 is the one that will always stick with me.

After attending Lollapalooza at Molson Park in Barrie, Ontario, Pooch and I were sitting in her basement reviewing the great time we had at that great one day festival. Out of the blue we decided to go again. we were 19 and free of major obligations so we drove to 7-11 picked up a Spin Magazine to inquire into the remaining tour dates. The next closest stop in our one week timeframe was to be in Pittsburgh PA. I called ahead and learned that the venue had been cancelled and the tour was to be stopping in Scranton, PA.
We geared up and cleared our unbusy schedules to prepare. We were to leave early Friday morning for our second helping of Lollapalooza goodness. At the time Thursday nights were reserved for a bar in downtown London known as G.T.'s ( Good Times ). We would ritualistically go to G.T.'s every Thursday night to drink and rock out to a cover/original bands known as Grandeur of Ghosts and/or Fishpants and just be typical 19 year olds. So typically I was at G.T.'s the night before we left, naturally I proceeded to drink my face off and ended up sleeping in my little grey Chevy S-10 out front of Pooch's house. Needless to say 6 a.m. came pretty damn fast and I hardly received the necessary sleep required for the journey we were about to embark on. We hit the road for Scranton, PA , two Canadian kids following a music festival......

To be continued................

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Is It Christmas Yet ???????

I'm not really sure, but it really doesn't feel like Christmas to me this year at all. I'm not sure what it is. The new job, the constant traveling, the lack of decorations around my home, I dunno.
It just seems to me that like Matt Good was right when he said
"Christmas is for shopping, and the shopping God is everything".

I sometime wish I was still a kid and had to endure the stress of having to get to sleep for Santa Claus to come. I still remember freaking out when I would hear on the evening news that they have picked up Santa on the radar and that I better get to bed or else he might not stop. It worked like a charm on me, but the tossing and turning was unbearable. I'd finally get to sleep around 3 am only to wake at 7am for the first peak at the tree.
Those were the days.

So I will keep this short and sweet yet again. I have many chores to complete to get myself in a better position for the big day coming up so quickly this Saturday. To everyone who comes by I wish each and everyone one of you a politically correct Happy Holidays, and a Merry Christmas to everyone else who doesn't care what the proper thing to say is these days.

OK....I'll shuddup now.


Monday, December 19, 2005

Happy Merry Ho Ho Day......

I always leave everything till the last minute, I think it's just a typical male trait. Leave it as long as possible, then make a mad dash to round up all the "perfect" gifts...riiiiight. I don't know if I'm going to be able to get it all in with work and all cutting into a major part of my shopping time allotment. Between driving down here to Toronto ( I'm at work right now ) and doing little things like sleeping and eating. I think I'm going to be "that guy" running around looking at his watch every 5 mins counting down the time left till cut-off. I'll be every poor store clerks worst nightmare, I can just see them. Standing there staring at me, thier eyes rolling as I rip thru the racks, ranting to myself, not deciding on anything to buy and asking them for the 10th million time if they have anything in a gift basket. Every mans saviour...the gift thought involved whatsoever. Actually I have a certain gift to purchase this year but it's beginning to be a complete pain in the ass thanks the friendly folks at Bell Canada. I'll go into details after the holidays.

Either way....I just thought I should pop in and leave a quick note today. I do not want to fall into the Aries trap and completely neglect this site. I find it hard to believe over 300 people have even come by here. As timer goes by and I get used to my new work shift I'm sure I'll get back into the full swing of things...I need another Rant & Rave.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I'm an Addict ......

No matter what I do I can't stop playing this game. I picked it up by accident and started to play around with it and now I cannot stop formulating strategies and planning my eventual overthrowing of the Roman Empire. I'm hopeless.
You can control over 700 troops on an open field and command them all effortlessly for some amazing battles. It's helplessly addicting once you get the hang of it and you look forward to storming your enemy's capital city and exterminating all of them.
If you are into turn based strategy games I would highly recommend this game. You'll be hooked like me and the hours just fly by. There's so many sites I've been neglecting because of this game these days. I'm normally on the ball and up to par on commenting on all the recent happenings but everything is taking a backseat until I can take control of the Roman Senate for myself. I'll keep you updated.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ro-Sham-Bo anyone .....

Greetings fellow blog readers. Quick and simple this will be today. I'm a tad under the weather and have to crawl back into my bed for some much needed bedrest. It's been a long week but a good week as well.

It has come to attention that CBC has decided to re-air a few (5) episodes of Kenny vs Spenny. They will be airing on Friday evenings at 5:30 pm. Again I advise you to check it out.
I've added the Kenny vs Spenny game to the site here, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and take a few turns. My high score is 10,392, try and beat that !!! I favor playing as Kenny but I managed the score by playing as Spenny.
Small things amuse small minds, but someone getting kicked in the nuts is always funny.

I've also added a chat window to the sidebar so feel free to leave any comments or messages there if you like. Alright then I've got to get back to come back often and see what else is new as time goes by.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

And Now....On With Mr.Show....

An now for some comments on one of my all time favorite shows...Mr.Show.
This short lived skit comedy masterpiece aired originally on HBO and then on The Comedy Network up here in Canada, between 1996 and 2000. I immediately fell in love with this show the first time I came across an episode that included a satirical American Ad Awards show, the big winner of the top prize was an ad agency that helped an association better it's image with a great commercial. The association was called NAMBLA...the North American Man Boy Love Association, the new slogan .... "We're Not Killers". The commercial itself had various perverts running around a park with big black boxes over their faces confessing their love of young man boys and how society just doesn't "get" their obsession. It was an edgy, intelligent and nonsensical show to say the least. Within the same episode they also had a hilarious remake of Jesus Christ Superstar that starred Jack Black in the heavenly lead role.
Perhaps my sense of humor is warped and I have no idea what I am talking about but Mr. Show was way ahead of it's time and far too smart for it's own good. I try to introduce Mr. Show to anyone who will take the time to watch but honestly in all my time I have only met maybe 2 people that understood the satire and appreciated it. I own all 4 seasons and urge any and everyone to either rent a season or download an episode for a test run.
You might recognize David Cross from Arrested Development, another freakin hilarious show, or even as the guy in the wheelchair in Scary Movie 2. He is a fantastic comic.
Bob Odenkirk has had stints on SNL and was also on the ultra 80's Ben Stiller Show. He is another comical genius. I'll elaborate another time on both of these fine gentlemen, but for now....

OK....I'll shuddup now.
