Friday, November 18, 2005

On to the Next Chapter....

Well it's official...I'm no longer a cell phone monkey!! No more brain dead customers calling in wondering what "System Busy - Please Try Again" means....hmmmm, I dunno, maybe the damn system is busy cuz tools like you keeping calling me for redundant idiotic information.

Talk about liberating, it felt so good to get escorted out and stripped of my nifty little badge. The air was never so sweet outside, even the snowfall could dampen that misty water colored memory I'll carry with me. 19 months of my life I'll never get back. I sat in calculated some nice stats during my down time at the end of the night. In the last 11 months, (I could only track this current year), I had taken 14,568 calls....I worked a total of 215 extra hours over and above the regular 44 needed to receive O/T, that's nearly 27 days of regular 8 hr shifts !!!
So , I've basically put in nearly 12 months of work in the past 11 months of this year. I'm so glad to be outta that place, the sandbox politics were just too much for me. Drama, rumor milling, and enough cellulite engorged ass cleavage to sink the Titanic. At is all over.

So, the comment Kenny Hotz left me has been bothering me slightly. The whole "a tad kooler" remark has been eating away at me. Only a tad? Just a tad cooler than someone who basically said the show sucked. I mean I use the the same term sometimes and I do realize that sarcasm doesn't always come across in most written forms, but come on. Ahh whatever, I'm still happy he was nice enough to come by anyway. I still think the show is great and I definitely hope Showcase keeps it on on Sunday nights. I should have researched the the show abit more before I started commenting....perhaps that is why I'm only a tad cooler.....but apparently the show was on CBC for a short period of time, 2 seasons, and hopefully a third season will be ordered on the better serving Showcase network. I can see CBC not really "getting" the show and pulling the plug before it can grow and develop. The last episode, Who Can Dance The Longest, was pretty good, the cheerleader bit/humiliation was pretty damn funny. Poor poor Spenny, will he ever learn? I'll be sure to check out once he's got it up and running, so far it's still under construction.

Anyway, I'm gonna head out for a few wobbly pops and enjoy my free Friday night.
I'm sure I'll be back to ramble on some more later tonight.

OK.....I'll shuddup now.


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