Friday, December 23, 2005

Those Were the Daze......

And now ladies and gentleman I would like to introduce you to one of my oldest and best friends. This lovely pole dancing beauty is affectionately known to me and many others as Pooch. Pooch McGooch and I have been friends since grade school. I remember all those carefree days at Lord Nelson Public School with fuzzy warm glee. We parting ways in high school for roughly 3 years when we both met romantic interests and once the course of those relationships ran out we kind of drifted back right back into the swing of things.
Out of all the adventures Pooch and I shared our trip to Lollapalooza in 1992 is the one that will always stick with me.

After attending Lollapalooza at Molson Park in Barrie, Ontario, Pooch and I were sitting in her basement reviewing the great time we had at that great one day festival. Out of the blue we decided to go again. we were 19 and free of major obligations so we drove to 7-11 picked up a Spin Magazine to inquire into the remaining tour dates. The next closest stop in our one week timeframe was to be in Pittsburgh PA. I called ahead and learned that the venue had been cancelled and the tour was to be stopping in Scranton, PA.
We geared up and cleared our unbusy schedules to prepare. We were to leave early Friday morning for our second helping of Lollapalooza goodness. At the time Thursday nights were reserved for a bar in downtown London known as G.T.'s ( Good Times ). We would ritualistically go to G.T.'s every Thursday night to drink and rock out to a cover/original bands known as Grandeur of Ghosts and/or Fishpants and just be typical 19 year olds. So typically I was at G.T.'s the night before we left, naturally I proceeded to drink my face off and ended up sleeping in my little grey Chevy S-10 out front of Pooch's house. Needless to say 6 a.m. came pretty damn fast and I hardly received the necessary sleep required for the journey we were about to embark on. We hit the road for Scranton, PA , two Canadian kids following a music festival......

To be continued................

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