Friday, November 25, 2005

Snow Daze .....

Well, it's definately been an interesting week so far. Quick recap...I started my new job....I got horribly sick and had to go to the hospital on my first day of my new job.....the exhaust on my car broke enroute to my first day of my new job.....after having fairly mild temperatures for the last few weeks, the weather has snapped and we now have snow...lots of it. I know that's a horrible run on sentence but I find it alot like this week so far, neverending, but hey...adversity builds character. So what if it takes me 2.5 hrs to get home because of road conditions, at least I have a home to come to, right.
I have lots of information to relay but little time to elaborate so I will indeed keep this short and sweet.

On another quick note, I had another visit from the honourable Mr. Kenny Hotz. He was kind enough to relieve my worries over his "tad kooler" comment I had mentioned he left me previously. If you happen to have some free time on Sunday night, I would advise you to tune in and support this fine gentleman and his show Kenny vs Spenny. Check out the links I've provided and surf to for your local schedule.

OK...I'll shuddup now.


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