Thursday, May 18, 2006

May 24 ..... A Brief History

May 24 has always has been one of my favorite weekends of the year. Not only because of all the drunken debauchery that goes on into the wee hours of the normally rainy nights, but it was also the weekend I got my official drivers license when I turned 16. So many stories of so many adventures I could go on and on.
My hometown stomping grounds London, Ontario provided the infamous Fanshawe Convservation Park and Camping Grounds where I was kicked out of the park several times because of the music volume , not to mention the 150 people we had at our site reserved for only 4 people. Damn those Yogi's (Conservation Officers) for ruining our not so innocent fun. With Fanshawe also being a provincial park there were always lots of O.P.P. officers as well (Ontario Provincial Police), patrolling the park and handing out the dreaded $53.75 Underage Drinking fines, ahhhh ..... those were the days.

One May 24 we ventured out of the city limits further north to a private camping ground called White Sands close to Sauble Beach. The best thing about this place was the "private" listing which meant free reign and no police. It was heavensent, completely chaos and a whole lotta fun. The beer bottles were ankle deep and the music never stopped. I could go into graphic details however some stories are best kept among friends. The one thing from that weekend that sticks in my mind the most was on the Monday morning, the usual day of check out, a few of us hardcores were still sitting around what was left of a fire. The key thing here is we had ran out of wood along time ago and it wasn't like we were going to pay the ridiculous $7 the park owner was charging for extra dry firewood that would burn in 30 mins. The guys at the site beside us were much more resourceful, they figured that since the picnic tables were made of wood they were fair game for the fire. Since our fire was out long ago from the mix of rain and lack of fuel, we joined these guys next to us as they continued to burn every picnic table they could get their hands on. Early that morning we were confronted by the park owner as he asked us what happened to all the tables, as calmly as ever the drunken guy who rented the site next to ours said " I have no idea, man ". Half of the table was still sitting in front of us all, in the fire, unburned but smoldering. Needless to say he had a hefty bill upon check out, I think it was $125 per table, I still don't know how many they actually burned.

I met my prom date that weekend......yet another story for another time.

OK.......I'll shuddup now.


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