Monday, February 27, 2012

Debt and the power of the written word.....

I spend a lot of time listening to the radio these days, specifically CBC radio due to my geographical area.  Local radio is absolutely awful  playing country and bubble gum top 40 back to back without any mention of real world concerns or issues.  I admit I miss my old commute to Toronto sometimes if only for the am radio talk radio availability. 

This afternoon I spent a small portion of it listening to Type A, a talk show that covers different issues and topics involving Canadian economics.  Today's show was specifically addressing debt and all the lovely things involved with it. 

I fully admit I became irked by the "this is how it is, get used to it" attitude with the majority of callers and panelists of each of the various segments.  I was quickly brought back to my American Express days and the many calls I took.  Over 15,000 a year roughly, all complaints and problems.

I immediately got on my iPhone and started tweeting to Type A, I felt obligated.  It bothered me to hear so many people talking and relating the issues they have had and are facing in the future.  The condemnation administered by collection agents leading to thoughts of suicide, the Depression era mentality of the elderly and how you only bought what you can pay for.

The real crime in all of it was the fact that regulations are not in place for banks or any credit lenders as far as default rates are concerned.  I mean honestly, doesn't anyone really read all the small print?
most have no clue that if they miss 3 payments in the course of your relationship with said creditors you are usually subjected to interest far above the original introductory and standard rate agreed at signing.  I cannot even count the amount of times I completely explained the Lending on Charge cards AmEx cleverly signed callers up for.

I'm still enraged now but I have a small boy to look after as I'm sure I could rant about this for hours on end.  My point in writing was to congratulate myself on being re tweeted by Type A.
They popped my re tweet cherry after being on twitter for over a year.

My picture on this blog was stolen for another blogger but it rings so true, I wish I could see the day that we all stop allowing a cost be applied to literally everything in our lives and realize that raising our children properly should be the most important job we have. 

OK, I'll shuddup now......


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