Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Winter That Lasted Forever ..............

What fun, what fun. Will this weather ever end? It seems not. I don't know how much longer my poor little Cavalier will last. I awoke to a nicely chilled car this morning before work. It was so cold last night that my radiator had ice in it, even after adding some concentrated anti-freeze !!!!
I just have that kind of luck....some Barr's Leaks and another 3 litres of concentrated anti-freeze has corrected my temporary set back but my car is letting me know that this will be it's last winter.
I would have to find a fairly decent job over 120 kms away now wouldn't I.
OK, well, my head is pounding and I need to eat so I will quit my whining right now.
If anyone has a line on a decent car, please feel free to contact me before I need to hustle my way to Toronto at the truck stop every day.
OK....I'll shuddup now.

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